
Web Marketing for the Music Business

How to market music successfully on the internet, gain presence, exposure and money!

Interested in promoting, selling and distributing music online, got the website but not sure what to do next? is Web Marketing for the Music Business designed to help develop the essential internet presence they want and need.

Looking at how the web has developed, providing instructions on how to set up a web site as well as how to use the Internet to promote the artist and the web site. The book includes information on maximizing web sites to increase traffic, online grassroots marketing tactics that will advance an artists career and social networking sites such as MySpace. There is also a dedicated website with online resources for web support to give the information needed to confidently market music online.

* Provides instruction on promoting both music and the artist in the internet, showing how to develop maximum online exposure
* Offers guidance in web site development, to save money by getting the right site up and running first time
* Understand how the Internet is used by experts in the music business, benefit from their experience to make the internet work for you.

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