
Book Wireless LAN Radios: System Definition to Transistor Design (IEEE Press Series on Microelectronic Systems)

  • As one of the few rising stars of the semiconductor industry, WLAN design is engaging more and more engineers and companies. Essential to the overall system design, is the radio design. In Wireless LAN Radios Arya Behzad covers the necessary theory while emphasizing the practical aspects of this promising technology.
  • This book introduces the nuances of the 802.11 WLAN PHY standards (A/B/G) and describes their specifications and impact on radio design. The possible choices for the radio architecture (direct-conversion, low-IF, super heterodyne) are examined and their impact on the transistor-level design is explained. Coverage includes the effect of certain analog/RF impairments on the overall system performance and a discussion of the choice of process technology on the radio architecture.
  • more information from Amazon.com
  • Publisher:
  • Wiley-IEEE Press
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 0471709646
  • Paperback: 241 pages
  • Data: December 17, 2007
  • Format: PDF
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