
Book Art and Science of CSS

SitePoint | ISBN: 0975841971 | 2007-03-09 | 224 pages | PDF | 17 Mb
CSS-based design doesn 't need to be boring. The Art & Science of CSS brings together a talented collection of designers who will show you how to take the building blocks of your web site's design (such as headings, navigation, forms, and more) and bring them to life with fully standards-compliant CSS. This full color book helps you to design web sites that not only work well across all browsers, are easy to maintain, and are highly accessible, but are also visually stunning.

  • Create truly attention-grabbing headings.
  • Discover multiple ways to present images effectively.
  • Use background images to give your site zest.
  • Build usable and attractive navigation.
  • Design forms that are stylish and functional.
  • Learn how to break away from the square box clich ?.
  • Create funky tables.
  • And lots more

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