
Download Rapidshare Book Linux Appliance Design

Linux appliances are computers that serve a single, well-defined purpose. Modern appliances are complex machines, with processors, operating systems, and application software. For example, the Tivo is essentially a Linux-based computer with a single purpose: recording television. While there are books that tell readers how to run Linux on embedded hardware and books on how to build a Linux application, Linux Appliance Design is the first book to demonstrate how to merge the two to create a Linux appliance. Programmers will learn how to build backend daemons, handle asynchronous events, and connect various user interfaces (including web, framebuffers, infared control, SNMP, and front panels) to these processes for remote configuration and control. Linux Appliance Design also introduces the Runtime Access Protocol, which provides a uniform mechanism for user interfaces to communicate with daemons. The accompanying CD includes a prototype appliance - a home alarm system - that supports the book’s lessons. The prototype is written using a liberal BSD style license, which allows readers to use and modify the code used in the prototype.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Appliance Architecture
Chapter 2: Managing Daemons
Chapter 3: Using Run-Time Access
Chapter 4: Building and Securing Daemons
Chapter 5: The Laddie Alarm System: A Sample Appliance
Chapter 6: Logging
Chapter 7: Laddie Event Handling
Chapter 8: Designing a Web Interface
Chapter 9: Designing a Command Line Interface
Chapter 10: Designing a Front Panel Interface
Chapter 11: Designing a Framebuffer Interface
Chapter 12: Infared Remote Control
Chapter 13: Hands-On Introduction to SNMP
Chapter 14: Designing Your SNMP MIB
Chapter 15: Implementing Your SNMP MIB


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